Managing locks in Guesty Locks Manager

With Guesty Locks Manager, you can manage every smart lock you use remotely – all from one dashboard – with an automatic, unique code generator and full visibility into lock data. 

For each lock, you can create and manage codes for your team members, view detailed information about the generated codes, and see a log of when codes are used.

Lock status

Follow the steps below to view the lock status.

Pro users Lite users

Step by step:

  1. Sign in to your Guesty account.
  2. In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Operations mode.
  3. Click Field operations and select Locks manager.
  4. In the left-side menu, click Locks.
  5. In the “Linked” tab, click the relevant lock.

At the top of the lock info page you can see the battery life, online status, and occupancy status. Learn more about monitoring lock alerts.

Lock name

As your business needs evolve, you may need to update parameters for you locks, such as their names. These parameters are managed through the providers' apps and are synced to Guesty Locks Manager within 24 hours.

To make instant changes, disable and enable the lock in the provider app. Alternatively, re-add the lock in Guesty by clicking Add provider at the top left and re-entering your credentials.

Lock activity log

In the left-side menu of the lock page, click Activity log. The log lists times when the lock was unlocked and the guest or team member name associated with the code used.

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