Where should I manage my Expedia listings, reservations, and guest communication?

After linking your Expedia listings to Guesty, you can manage listings, reservations, and guest communication across both platforms.


  • Minimum nights cannot be set at the property level in Guesty as this setting does not sync to Expedia. Instead, you can manually adjust the minimum nights via the calendar.
  • When you link your listings with Guesty, only those specific listings will sync and can be managed in Guesty. The connection does not extend to your entire Expedia account or to any unlinked listings.

See below where to set and/or manage your Expedia listings, reservations, guest communication, and tools. Data is synced to Expedia instantly.

Listing details

Action Where to manage it
Manage property details Expedia
Manage the listing's amenities Expedia
Manage marketing information Expedia

Calendar and availability

Action Where to manage it
Manage calendar & availability Guesty

Reservation policies

Action Where to manage it
Manage instant bookings Guesty
Manage rate plans and cancellation policies Guesty (except package or corporate rate plans, managed in Expedia).

Financials and revenue management

Action Where to manage it
Manage deposits, additional fees, and taxes


Add fees (such as pet fees) at the rate plan level in Expedia to include them in guest prices. If you’re using Expedia Collect, Expedia will collect the fees. If you’re using hotel collect, you’re responsible for charging the fees from guests directly. For Expedia Collect, guests prepay these fees; for hotel collect, guests pay fees upon arrival. In Guesty, guest invoices display these fees as “Room fees”. 

When you sync rate plans from Guesty to Expedia, any fees set at the rate plan level in Expedia remain, but their descriptions/names are removed each time. To overcome this, re-enter descriptions/names in Expedia at the rate plan level after each sync.  

Manage promotions Expedia

Guest communication

Action Where to manage it
Cancel/alter reservations


Only guest-initiated changes sync automatically to Guesty. For any other changes made in Expedia, update them manually in Guesty. 

Manage guest communication Guesty

Learn more about forwarding guest communication from Expedia to Guesty.

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