The contacts report allows you to create segments based on contact attributes to optimize your marketing campaigns. For example, use the filters to find all of your contacts that came from Paris to promote a specific listing there.
On the "Contacts" page, you can filter and use columns based on your preferences to get a detailed list of the guests you want to see.
For example, you can view the contacts for your returning guests only.
View any of your saved custom contact reports at any time, by clicking the downward arrow next to the name of the current report in the upper left-hand corner.
Follow the instructions below to create your custom contact report.
Step by step:
- Sign in to your Guesty account.
- In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Guest Experience mode.
- Click Contacts.
- Click on the plus icon next to "Filters".
- Choose the relevant filters based on your preferences.
- Click Save. You will be redirected to your contacts list.
- Click Columns.
- Select the relevant toggles.
- Click Save as at the top of your contacts list.
- Add a name for your custom contacts report.
- Click Save.
- To download a CSV file of your contact report, click the
, in the top-right corner of the report. An email will be automatically sent to the email address saved in your profile settings, with a link to download the exported file.
Step by step:
- Sign in to your Guesty account.
- In the top navigation bar, click More then select Contacts from the dropdown menu.
- Click on the plus icon next to "Filters".
- Choose the relevant filters based on your preferences.
- Click Save as. You will be redirected to your contacts list.
- Click Columns.
- Select the relevant toggles.
- Click Save as at the top of your contacts list.
- Add a name for your custom contacts report.
- Click Save.
- To download a CSV file of your contact report, click the
, in the top-right corner of the report. An email will be automatically sent to the email address saved in your profile settings, with a link to download the exported file.
Want to remove a filter? Click on the existing filter and select Remove from the bottom left-hand corner of the pop-up.