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Advanced Website: Anchor tags and links

The information in this article is relevant only for Pro users at this time. For information about booking websites for Lite users, refer to the Guesty Booking Engine

Anchor links let you send visitors to a specific sections of the page, making it easier for them to get from place to place on a longer page or to a specific section that you would like to reference. Anchor links are very useful for letting users skip past content that may not apply to them, keeping them focused on what is important to them.


Anchors cannot be added to content in the footer or blog posts.

Add anchors

To add an anchor on your page:

  1. Right-click a widget or row to open the context menu.
  2. Click Set As Anchor.
  3. Type an Anchor Name. To add the anchor to the site's navigation, select Add to Site Navigation (by default, this option will be checked; un-check it to prevent it from being added to the site navigation).
  4. Click Add.

Link to an anchor

To add a link to an existing anchor:

When creating a text or button link, select the Anchor option.
Select the page the anchor is on, and select the anchor from the dropdown.

Delete or edit an anchor

To delete or edit an existing anchor:

  1. Right-click widget or row with the anchor to open the context menu.
  2. Click the gear icon, then select Edit Anchor.
  3. Click Delete anchor or edit the anchor as necessary.
  4. If you edited the anchor, click Update to apply the changes.
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