Reservation canceled on but remains confirmed in Guesty

If a reservation has been canceled on, but the status remains Confirmed in Guesty, check to see if the listing is connected with Guesty, or if it has been disconnected. Additionally, check on's Extranet to ensure Guesty is configured as the connectivity provider for the listing. If the listing is disconnected or Guesty is not the connectivity provider for the listing, updates made to a reservation on either platform will not sync.

Follow the instructions below to check the connection status.

Pro users Lite users

Step by step:

  1. Sign in to your Guesty account.
  2. In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector, then select Growth mode.
  3. Click Distribution.
  4. Click the thumbnail.
  5. Click on the relevant account and locate the listing for the reservation.
  6. In the ״Status״ column, check if the status is Connected or Disconnected.
    • If the listing is connected, contact us to rectify the issue.
    • If the listing is disconnected, follow the instructions to reconnect it.

If necessary, you can contact us to change the status of the reservation to "Canceled".

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