A reservation is recognized as a "returning guest" if the guest's name and contact details match a previous reservation in Guesty (e.g. phone number and email address). A new reservation for a returning guest is merged into the guest's existing conversation thread in the Inbox, so that all communication with that guest is in one place. Any new reservation for that specific guest will be marked by a star that reads "Returning guest" in the "Guest" section of the reservation page, under "Name".
You can select which reservation to see from the dropdown menu at the top of the reservation section of the Inbox widget. Click to view reservation details (e.g., listing, check-in date, and check-out date, etc.).
If you update a guest's details (i.e., change the name, email, or phone number) the update will be synced and apply to all reservations under this guest.
Messages for a returning guest will be merged even when the reservations are for different listings.
For Rentals United, as long as the two reservations are on the same Rentals United account, they will be merged in the Inbox. Anyone with access to one of the reservations will have access to the other reservations as well. To prevent this, publish the listings to different Rentals United accounts.