You can see which of your listings are available on certain dates using Multi-Calendar.
You can filter the results by applying filters for the number of guests, city, amenity, listing tags, or by property.
Follow the instructions below.
Listings under a "flexible block" will appear in the search results, as these blocks can be overridden.
Step by step:
- Sign in to your Guesty account.
- In the top navigation bar, click.
- On the top right, click Availability search.
- Enter the relevant start and end dates in the pop-up calendar.
- Edit any relevant filters (e.g. guests, tags, etc.).
- Click Find properties.
- The listings that meet your filtered criteria will appear to the left.
You can now choose how to proceed:
- Create a manual reservation for a single listing: click Add next to the relevant listing, then click Create reservation. Fill in the relevant details and click Create reservation
- Send a quote to a guest
- Create a group reservation
- Create a manual reservation for a single listing: click Add next to the relevant listing, then click Create reservation. Fill in the relevant details and click Create reservation
Want to relocate guests to a different listing? Use this feature to see which listings are available for the same dates.