Messaging automations let you automate the sending of messages that you use repeatedly. View our troubleshooting information below if an automated message was sent when it wasn't due to be sent.
1. Ensure the message is an automated message from Guesty
If the message indicates it is an automated message, proceed to the next step. If not, the message was sent by an external or third-party tool connected to your account. Coordinate with your team to check and correct the tool's setup if necessary.
2. Check if the feature is enabled
Once you create an automated message template, you can activate or deactivate it at any time (Pro users only). Check if the specific message automation template was activated when it should be deactivated.
4. Check if all automated messages were turned on for a particular reservation
You can enable or disable scheduled automated messages for a specific reservation. If an automated message was sent for a reservation unexpectedly, it might have been enabled. Learn how to disable automated messages for a reservation.
5. Check when the automated message template was last edited
You may think that a scheduled message will not be sent if you edit its message conditions. However, if you change an automated message after it is already scheduled, it will still be delivered. For example, if you change the "number of guests" message condition to only send the message to reservations with more than 4 guests, and a reservation has 3 guests, you might expect the message not to be sent. However, the message was already sent based on the previous conditions.
Check the activity logs of the message automation to verify when the automated message was edited.
6. Check the message conditions
You can choose whether an automated message is sent based on message conditions that you set. Added conditions may have enabled the message to be sent unexpectedly.
Pro users: If a condition is added based on a custom field that has a Yes/No answer, check the relevant listing or reservation to see if the toggle is on. The toggle may have been incorrectly set, or only changed after the message was due to be sent.
7. Check to see if a guest has multiple reservations
If a guest has multiple reservations, all of their messages are displayed within the same conversation thread in the Guesty Inbox. As such, it may appear as if an automated message was sent for a certain reservation when it was sent for a different reservation.
When a guest has multiple reservations, a dropdown arrow is displayed next to the confirmation code at the top of the reservation widget in the Inbox. Click the arrow and select the relevant reservation from the dropdown menu. The automated messages widget will display upcoming and previous automated messages for the selected reservation.