Once a rate strategy has been created, add rules that automatically adjust pricing and number of minimum nights in bulk, and choose which listings these rules will apply to. You can also use this feature to increase a listing's occupancy by automatically adjusting minimum nights to fill in gaps in the calendar. The number of minimum nights will be applied to the first night in the gap. Follow the instructions below.
To avoid pricing discrepancies, learn how rate strategy works alongside third-party pricing tools, connected booking channels, and other Guesty features, such as a listing's weekly/monthly discounts.
Step by step:
- Sign in to your Guesty account.
- In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Growth mode.
- Click Revenue management and select Rate strategy.
- Select the relevant Rate Strategy from the list.
- Above the list of categories, hover over Optimize occupancy.
- Click the Pencil icon that appears.
- In the pop-up, turn on the Optimize occupancy toggle.
- Under Minimum nights can't be shorter than, enter the number of nights.
- Click Save.