Auto Tasks in Guesty are automatically generated based on reservation events, such as check-ins or check-outs. Auto Tasks update automatically when you edit the corresponding task template, or when a listing or reservation's check-in or check-out time is updated.
When you edit an Auto Task, consider how your changes affect both existing and future tasks: 

Existing tasks: Changes to an Auto Task don't impact tasks that have already been created for existing reservations.

Future tasks: Changes to an Auto Task will apply to all tasks generated after the change. 

Once you manually edit a generated Auto Task, it no longer updates automatically based on changes to the task template, Auto Task, or linked reservation. 

Step by step

Pro users Lite users

  1. Sign in to your Guesty account.
  2. In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector, and select Operations.
  3. Click Field Operations, then select Tasks.
  4. Select the relevant task you want to edit. 
  5. At the top right, click Edit.
  6. Adjust the necessary information.
  7. Click Save, then confirm by clicking Save again.


Automatic scheduling and exceptions

When an Auto Task is linked to a reservation’s check-in or check-out, it updates automatically if the reservation schedule changes. However, certain manual edits will disrupt this automatic sync:

  • Specific time changes: If you modify the “Start date” or “Start time” of the Auto Task, or if you change the schedule from “Specific time” to a “Flexible time” frame, this will prevent the Auto Task from updating automatically. . 
  • Flexible time frame changes: If you adjust the settings “Can start from” and “Must finish before”, or if you switch the schedule back to “Specific time”, this will also interrupt the automatic updating.
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