Once a rate strategy has been created, you can add rules that automatically adjust the pricing and the minimum nights per stay for your listings, and choose which listings these rules will apply to.
Rate strategy pricing rules are calculated on a listing's base price.
You can set a minimum and maximum percentage range in which the price per night can change. Follow the instructions below to set the rate range for a rate strategy.
- Learn how a rate strategy works alongside other revenue management and financial tools, to avoid any pricing discrepancies
- The price per night for a listing cannot be lower than 10 dollars, even after applying discounts
Step by step:
- Sign in to your Guesty account.
- In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Growth mode.
- Click Revenue management and select Rate strategy.
- Select the relevant Rate Strategy from the list.
- Above the list of categories, hover over Rate range.
- Click the Pencil icon that appears to the right.
- In the pop-up, enter the relevant percentages.
- Click Save.