You may sometimes be required by the credit card issuing bank to authenticate your invoice payment transaction. You will be notified via email that authentication is needed and will have seven days to authenticate the transaction before the payment fails. Follow the instructions below to authenticate a payment in Guesty.
Step by step:
- Sign in to your Guesty account.
- In the top-right corner, click the profile icon.
- From the dropdown, click Billing.
- To the left, click Payment methods.
- Click Authentication required if it appears.
- In the pop-up, follow the instructions to complete the authentication.
Step by step:
- Sign in to your Guesty account.
- In the top right of the navigation bar, click your profile icon and select Billing from the dropdown menu.
- To the left, click Payment methods.
- Click Authentication required if it appears.
- In the pop-up, follow the instructions to complete the authentication.
If the authentication is successful, the payment will be processed, otherwise, it will fail and you will need to use a different payment method for the invoice.
If the authentication fails and you wish to reuse the same card, you must add it to Guesty as a new payment method.
You can also complete the authentication process through a dedicated banner at the top of the Guesty dashboard.