You can upload your company logo to Guesty. The suggested image size is 300px by 300px. Follow the instructions below to upload your logo.
ֿStep by step:
- Sign in to your Guesty account.
- In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Setup mode.
- In the left menu, click Account settings.
- Under "Company info", click Upload image under "Company logo".
- Select the image.
To choose a different image, click Replace image.
To remove an image, click.
Step by step:
- Sign into your Guesty account.
- In the top-right corner, click the profile icon and select Account settings.
- In the "Company info" section, click Upload image under "Company logo".
- Select the image.
- To choose a different image, click Replace image. To remove it, click
Learn how to add a description of your company to Guesty and how the logo and description can be added to your listings in