Using Guesty's Open API

Guesty's Open API is a REST API offers a versatile solution for integrating your own systems with your Guesty account. It uses OAuth 2.0 access tokens to authenticate requests, ensuring secure and reliable authorization. OAuth 2.0 is a secure, industry-standard authorization method that ensures user data is accessed safely using encoded tokens without exposing the user’s identity or credentials. For more information, refer to our API documentation and details on Guesty’s API call rate limits.

Guesty's Open API allows you and your team to build and connect custom tools tailored to your needs. You can generate unique client IDs and client secrets (client credentials) for each service, tool, or system you integrate. Additionally, our analytics provide real time data on your API usage, helping you monitor and optimize your integrations.

Follow the instructions below to register a new application. You can delete it at any time.

Create API key pair

When you register an application, you will receive a client ID and a client secret, which can be used when making API calls that require application identification.

Step by step:

  1. Sign in to your Guesty account.
  2. In the top-right click the integration center icon and select Open API.

  3. In the left menu, click Applications (this should already be selected by default).
  4. At the top right, click New application.
  5. Enter the application name and description and click Save. These are mandatory fields.
  6. Click Copy text icon next to the relevant key and paste it somewhere safe for future reference. 


    Your client ID and client secret are only visible the first time you access it, after which Guesty redacts it for your security.

Delete API key pair

To delete an application, along with its client ID and client secret, click Trash icon to the right of the relevant application and confirm the action in the pop-up. This action is irreversible. 


Using Guesty's Open API analytics dashboard

Guesty's Open API analytics dashboard is designed to provide a detailed overview of your application's API usage and performance. This tool allows you to monitor key metrics such as request success rates, client errors, and rate limit thresholds. Each section of the dashboard offers valuable insights, helping you optimize API calls, troubleshoot issues, and ensure smooth integration with third-party applications.

Follow the instructions to access Guesty's Open API dashboard.

Step by step:

  1. Sign in to your Guesty account.
  2. In the top-right click the integration center icon and select Open API.

  3. In the left menu, click Analytics.

Learn more about the dashboard's sections below.


Click the plus sign to apply the following filters to the entire dashboard:

  • Time frame
  • Response status
  • Response resolution
  • URL family
  • URL template
  • Host
  • Method
  • Client ID
  • Client name
  • Gateway proceed
  • Server type


To filter by endpoint, click the relevant endpoint in the URL template table.

General requests

Use the general requests graph to view the following Open API calls for all applications:

  • Success calls
  • Failed calls due to client error
  • Failed calls due to server error

Rate limit

Use the rate limit graph to view the remaining amount of rate limits for each application as follows:

  • Remaining calls per hour until rate limit
  • Remaining calls per minute until rate limit
  • Remaining calls per second until rate limit

URL Template

The table displays the following in descending order:

  • URL template - the endpoint that was called
  • Number of events - the number of calls made

Client requests

Refer to the colored lines on the graph to identify the Open API calls for each application under your account.

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