You can create a check-in form template and send it to guests for them to fill out before they arrive, helping you gather more information about your guest and their stay.
You can view the completed check-in form in PDF form, including an audit trail of when it was sent, viewed, and completed, in several parts of the dashboard, and each part gives you extra information. Learn what added value you get out of each approach to see which one suits your current needs:
- The documents status report provides a bird's-eye view across reservations.
- The reservation page provides full details about the reservation.
Only check-in forms that were changed to "Completed" status after February 6, 2022, can be viewed as PDF, but you can still view the details from any completed form, even before that date.
Documents status report
Step by step:
- Sign in to your Guesty account.
- In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Guest experience mode.
- Click Documents and select Status report.
- Find the relevant reservation and click View at the column to the right of the MODIFIED column. If you also sent a rental agreement to the guest, the reservation will appear twice, once for the check-in form and once for the rental agreement.
Reservation page
Step by step:
- Sign in to your Guesty account.
- In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Operations mode.
- Click Reservations.
- Click the relevant reservation.
- Scroll down to "Travel information". Under "Documents", click Check-in form.