The information in this article is relevant only for Pro users at this time. For information about booking websites for Lite users, refer to the Guesty Booking Engine
The editor features a variety of fonts for your use. Set a theme text font or choose to differentiate your text by using multiple different fonts on your site. To add custom fonts to your site, see Add Custom Fonts.
Font library
To see what the available fonts look like:
- In the side panel, click Theme, then click Text.
- Select a font from the Font drop down menu.
The following is a list of available fonts in the editor:
Alegreya | Amiri | Arial | Barlow | Be Vietnam |
Comfortaa | Dancing Script | DM Sans | DM Serif Display | Epilogue |
Fjalla One | Heebo | Helvetica | Inter | Jost |
Lato | Lora | Merriweather | Monsterrat | Noto Sans |
Noto Serif | Nunito Sans | Open Sans | Oswald | Playfair Display |
Poppins | Prata | Prompt | PT Sans | Quicksand |
Raleway | Roboto | Roboto Mono | Roboto Slab | Rubik |
Slabo 27px | Source Sans Pro | Spartan | Sulphur Point | Ubuntu |
Vidaloka | Work Sans | Yeseva One | Kinsta | Bebas |
Muli | Old Standard TT | Petit Formal Script | Rock Salt | Shadows Into Light |
Droid Sans | Droid Sans Mono | Droid Serif |