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Advanced Website: Widgets - Coupons

The information in this article is relevant only for Pro users at this time. For information about booking websites for Lite users, refer to the Guesty Booking Engine

Incentivize your customers with a coupon when they visit your site. Upload a coupon image you already have, or build a new coupon using our coupon widget. Coupons and promotions can be a great way to incentivize customers and stimulate interest in your business.


The coupon widget does not track coupon redemptions. While you are able to have customers redeem coupons by printing out the coupon or using the coupon on a mobile device, there is no way to measure the number of coupons used during the promotion.

To add the widget:

  1. Sign in to your Guesty account.
  2. In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Growth mode.
  3. Click Distribution.
  4. Click the Guesty Websites thumbnail.
  5. To the right of the relevant website, click Edit.
  1. In the left panel, click Widgets.
  2. Click and drag the widget into your site.

To learn more about adding widgets to your site, see add widgets.

Content editor

To access the content editor, right-click the widget, and click Edit Content.

  1. To use the default coupon, click Default Coupon. Complete the following:
    • Offer. Type the offer.
    • Main Message. Type the offer details. For example, "Get a $5 off on your next lunch order."
    • Terms & Conditions. Type any specific terms and conditions for the offer.
    • Text on button. Type the button text for the coupon.
    • Show share buttons. Click the toggle to include social media sharing buttons.
    • Title. Type the title for the offer.
    • Expiration. Select a date of expiration for the coupon. On this date, the word Expired appears on the coupon. To notify visitors in advanced, add the expiration date to the Terms & Conditions.
  2. To use an image coupon, click Image Coupon.
    • Click + Image to add an image.
    • Text on button. Type the button text for the coupon.
    • Show share buttons. Click the toggle to include social media sharing buttons.
    • Title. Type the title for the offer.
    • Expiration. Select a date of expiration for the coupon. On this date, the word Expired appears on the coupon. To notify visitors in advanced, add the expiration date to the Terms & Conditions.

Design editor

To access the design editor, right-click the widget, and click Edit Design.

Select a different coupon layout, change colors, and add effects for the coupon.

For information about design options that are not specific to this widget (for example, layout, style, or spacing), see widget design.

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