Mobile App: Blocking/unblocking dates manually

You can manually block dates on a listing via Multi-Calendar.
The selected dates will be blocked across all booking channels. Follow the instructions below to block dates via the Guesty mobile app.

Manually blocking dates on the Multi-Calendar

Step by step:

  1. Sign in to the Guesty mobile app.
  2. From the bottom navigation bar, tap   .
  3. Select any available date (we recommend choosing the first day you want to block).
  4. In the "From" and "To" fields, select the relevant dates.
    Make sure you always choose at least 2 different dates, even if you're blocking a single night.
    For example: Let's say you want to block the night of 07.12.
    Block the dates from 07.12 to 08.12.
  5. Under "Availability", tap the Manually blocked checkbox.
  6. Add an internal note, if relevant.
  7. Tap Save.
    The block will only cover part of the end date, since most of that day isn't part of the reservation — the guest(s) will only be checking-out.


Manually unblocking dates on the Multi-Calendar

  1. Sign in to the Guesty mobile app.
  2. From the bottom navigation bar, tap   .
  3. Tap the relevant block on the calendar.
  4. Unmark the Manually blocked checkbox.
  5. Tap Save.
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