Tracking a payment made in Guesty in your Stripe account

When a guest payment is collected in Guesty through a Stripe account, the funds can be located in Stripe. Follow the instructions below. 


You can only track payments that were paid through Stripe, not payments that were recorded. If the payment you are trying to track was recorded, but you meant to collect it through Stripe, we recommend issuing a refund. This will undo the recording without affecting any payment methods attached to the reservation.

Pro users Lite users

Step by step:

  1. Sign in to your Guesty account.
  2. From the top navigation bar, click Reservations.
  3. Click the relevant reservation.
  4. In the banner at the top of the page, click Balance due/Payout.
  5. Find the "Payments" section and click the relevant payment.
  6. In the expanded box there is a "Confirmation code". Click the copy icon.
  7. Sign in to the relevant Stripe account.
  8. In the search bar, paste the confirmation code.
  9. Click Enter.
  10. Click the relevant result to see all updates regarding the payment.


To export or locate Stripe reports, contact Stripe support direct or consult the official guidelines provided by Stripe. For detailed instructions, visit the Exporting Payment Reports.

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