You can freeze funds on a credit card for a limited time by placing an authorization hold. The hold expires after seven days and the funds are then released from the credit card. During these seven days, you can release the funds manually. Follow the instructions below to place the hold manually. You can also automate the collection of authorization holds.
Step by step:
- Sign in to your Guesty account.
- In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Financials mode.
- Click Reservations.
- Click the relevant reservation.
- Click Balance Due / Payout in the grey banner at the top of the page.
- Scroll down to the "Payments" section.
- To the right of "Payments", click More actions then Add authorization hold.
- In the pop-up, select payment method:
- If one credit card is attached to the reservation: click Save.
- If more than one credit card is attached: Click the "Payment method" drop-down menu and select the relevant card.
- Click Save.
- If no credit card is attached, or to add a new card: Click the "Payment method" drop-down menu and select New credit card.
- Fill in the credit card information.
- Click Save.
Step by step:
- Sign in to your Guesty account.
- In the top navigation bar, click More and then select Reservations from the dropdown.
- Click the relevant reservation.
- Click Balance Due / Payout in the grey banner at the top of the page.
- Scroll down to the "Payments" section.
- To the right of "Payments", click More actions then Add authorization hold.
- In the pop-up, select payment method:
- If one credit card is attached to the reservation: click Save.
- If more than one credit card is attached: Click the "Payment method" drop-down menu and select the relevant card.
- Click Save.
- If no credit card is attached, or to add a new card: Click the "Payment method" drop-down menu and select New credit card:
- Fill in the credit card information.
- Click Save.
To collect a payment larger than the authorization hold that was set, add an extra invoice item to the reservation. If the reservation doesn't have an attached credit card you can add a payment method.
Due to a requirement set by payment processor Stripe, seven days is the maximum length of an authorization hold. Any amount that hasn't been charged after seven days will be released automatically.