Best practices: Automated messages

Automated messages allow you to create and automate the sending of messages that you use repeatedly. You can create and send all types of automated messages, like check-in instructions to guests, reservation confirmations to owners, and much more.

Below are some of our automated message best practices to help maximize your work efficiency and communication with guests, team members, and property owners.

  1. Create at least 6 message automations (with relevant automated messages) for an efficient automation, including payment-related automated messages.
    We recommend the following setup:
    • 4 message automations for when a confirmed reservation is triggered
      We recommend including separate message automations for reservation confirmations, payment reminders for your guests and staff or collecting payment through the booking channel, and a message for either a short notice (last minute reservation) or a longer notice stay.
    • 1 message automation for when a reservation is altered
      For example, an internal message to update yourself or the property manager to reach out to a guest or your cleaning crew about the confirmed changes.
    • 1 message automation for canceled reservations
      For example, an internal message for staff on what to do when the reservation is canceled, a message to the property owner (if needed), etc.
  2. Create and utilize customizations (like sending conditions, variables, and more) for your automated messages.
    Learn more with our guidelines for attachments, conditions, custom fields, and variables.

    • Reduce manual work when updating automated messages or adding new listings
      Pro users: If your account contains groups of listings with the same information (e.g. rooms in apartment buildings, etc.) you can set your automated messages to be sent based on the listing’s details (such as city or tags).
      New listings added to Guesty that belong to that group will automatically be applied.
    • Populate your messages automatically with variables and custom fields
       Custom fields are currently supported for Pro users only.
    • Utilize sending conditions for specific use cases (e.g. longer stays, late check-in times, etc.)

  3. Create automated messages for guests based on the reservation cycle: before, during, and after their stay.
    Learn more about which messages guests should receive before, during, and after their stay.

    We recommend to include automated messages for the following scenarios:

  4. Set up automated messages and conditions based on a reservation’s payment status.
    This ensures that you, your team, and your guests are all in sync about payment.
    For example, schedule a message to be sent an hour after confirmation to remind the guest that payment is required before their booking will be canceled.
    Learn more about payment-related automated messages.

  5. Add automation rules to send out rental agreements to your guests.
    This way you can simplify sending out rental agreements to your guests directly after they confirm their reservation.

  6. Set up automated messages for non-guest recipients (e.g., staff, yourself, owners, etc.).
    Automated messages aren't just for guests, you can utilize this feature and create automated messages to be sent to yourself, other users/team members, owners (Pro users only), phone book contacts, and some custom fields (Pro users only).

    We recommend to include automated messages for the following scenarios:

    • Send an automated message to specific users (team members) about a reservation's status
      This can be helpful to inform specific users if a reservation is confirmed, as well as notify them when the guest is scheduled to check in/check out.
      For example, you can notify a user to add a welcome note at the property before the next guest arrives.

    • Send an automated message to a phone book contact for cleaning and maintenance inspections
      This can be helpful to inform a specific phone book contact about specific listings. The message can include details for future bookings, the expected check-in/check-out times, the number of guests, and more.
      For example, you can notify the cleaning company in your phone book contacts when a room needs to be ready for the next arriving guest. This will help ensure that the listing is clean and ready before and after the reservation.

    • Send an automated message to owners about what's going on with their properties (Pro users only)
      This can be helpful to inform your owners about confirmed reservations on their properties. The message can include the check-in and check-out dates, the financial aspect of the reservation, and more.

  7. When creating an automated message, select the recipient under the "Who will receive it?", and then choose the method the message will be sent as from the "How will it be sent?" field.
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