Rate strategy: Overview

Creating a rate strategy takes the manual work out of managing your nightly rates and number of minimum nights, helping you maximize both occupancy and revenue. Based on the rules you set up, your listings' pricing and minimum nights are automatically adjusted in bulk on a daily basis and updated in the relevant booking channels. 

Start by creating a rate strategy, adding rules to it, and then assigning relevant listings. See more information below.


To avoid pricing discrepancies, learn how rate strategy works alongside other Guesty features, third-party pricing tools, and your connected booking channels.

1. Create a rate strategy

Get started by creating a rate strategy. Rate strategies are created as a way to group certain listings together and adjust pricing and minimum nights in bulk based on your chosen set of rules.

2. Add rules

Once a rate strategy has been created, you can add rules that automatically set rate restrictions based on your needs.

3. Rate settings and optimizing occupancy

Use rate settings to set a minimum and maximum percentage that a rate can change by. Optimizing occupancy allows you to increase a listing's occupancy by automatically adjusting minimum nights to fill in gaps in the calendar.

4. Assign/unassign listings

Choose which listings the rules will apply to by assigning or unassigning them to a rate strategy. This can be done either before or after you add rules. Each listing can only be assigned to one rate strategy, and you can un-assign listings at any time.

The rules will not apply to dates where prices and minimum nights were previously updated manually via the calendar. When assigning listings to a Rate Strategy, you have the option to override manual updates and use the rules instead.


Currently, a maximum of 150 properties can be assigned to a rate strategy.

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