Non-Beta users: Adding languages is part of setting up the property's title and description fields.
You can set your property's title and description fields in Guesty and add translations in multiple languages. Once you've configured the property's languages, described below, continue to set your title description fields in English and additional languages.
Guesty supports the following languages:
- English
- French
- Indonesian
- Korean
- Romanian
- Chinese
- German
- Italian
- Polish
- Spanish
- Dutch
- Greek
- Japanese
- Portuguese
The title and description fields of your listing will appear in your booking channels in English if you don’t select additional languages.
Follow these steps to configure the property's languages.
Step by step
- Sign in to your Guesty account.
- In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Operations mode.
- Click Properties.
- Click the relevant listing.
If the listing is a multi-unit, you can manage this feature via the multi-unit's main unit, and choose whether to apply the settings to the main unit only, or to the main unit and all sub-units. Alternatively, you can configure the settings for a specific sub-unit. Click the main unit or a specific sub-unit.
- In the menu to the left, click Marketing.
- Select List on channels.
- Click Edit next to “Languages”.
- Click the checkbox of any language you want the description fields to appear in.
Step by step:
- Sign in to your Guesty account.
- In the top navigation bar, click Listings.
- Click the relevant listing.
- In the left-side menu, click Marketing.
- Select List on channels.
- Click Edit next to “Languages”.
- Click the checkbox of any language you want the description fields to appear in.