Beta: Customizing the owner statement template (new interface)

The updated version of the owner statement template provides line item details organized per reservation in a continuous flow, with additional customization options that can be previewed live as you edit your template.

The statement total is calculated as follows, displaying the balance of transactions for the current month, excluding the beginning balance:

Rental income + Property income - Payment To owner

To use and customize the updated owner statement template, follow the steps below.


To continue using the current version, toggle off "updated version" in step 5.

Customize the owner statement

Step by step:

  1. Sign in to your Guesty account.
  2. In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Accounting mode.
  3. Click Owner accounting, then select Owner statements.
  4. At the top right, click Customize statements.
  5. Under "General settings":
    1. Toggle on Updated template (breakdown by reservation).
    2. Toggle on or off Ability to generate zero income statements.
      • If activated, this will create statements for owners even when no income has been generated.
      • If a listing is not connected to the business model, it will not generate an owner statement. 
  6. In the "Statement" sections, check the boxes to include or exclude details to display in your template.
    1. As you hover over or click on each option, view the Live preview to the right to see where and how the information is displayed.
  7. At the top right, click Save.
  8. In the pop-up, review your selection then click Apply changes.
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