Advanced Website: Blog widgets - search posts

The information in this article is relevant only for Pro users at this time. For information about booking websites for Lite users, refer to the Guesty Booking Engine

The Search Posts widget allows visitors to search for specific posts or themes in your blog so that they can easily find articles that interest them.

The widget only searches for words in blog post titles, it does not search the content of posts.

For information on adding widgets and the widgets library, see Widgets: Library and overview.

Content editor

In the Content Editor, the Placeholder text for the search bar can be customized.

To access the content editor, right click the widget and select Edit Content. Or, if you are in flex mode, the option to access the content editor is available in the floating menu.

Widget design

This widget has standard design settings. For more information about these options, such as layout, style, or spacing, see Edit Widget: Content and design.

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