Pilot: Connecting Szallas to Guesty

The Szallas integration allows you to connect multiple Szallas accounts (Hotel IDs) to your Guesty account. You can link your complex listings to Szallas and manage them directly in Guesty. Once linked, availability, rates, and inventory (ARI) will sync across both platforms. Additional content (e.g., fees, amenities, and listing description) doesn’t sync and must be managed on Szallas.

Szallas only supports complex property types. Learn about room types in a complex before you start. Creating listings in Guesty and publishing them to Szallas isn’t supported. You can only connect your listings in Guesty to their corresponding listings in Szallas.


This channel is not yet available to all Guesty users. To join the pilot, fill out this form

Before you begin

Before connecting your accounts, review the following important information: 

  • You must have a Szallas account before initiating the setup. Guesty allows you to connect multiple Szallas accounts (Hotel IDs). 
  • After creating your account on Szallas, contact your Szallas account manager or support team and request them to connect the relevant Hotel IDs to the Guesty/YieldPlanet provider.
  • Verify with your account manager that your API login and password credentials are valid for integration. These credentials may differ from those used to access your Szallas dashboard.
  • To avoid issues like double bookings, unlist or pause the sale of rate plans on Szallas until the connection process is complete.

Connecting a Guesty complex to a Szallas Hotel ID

Follow these steps to connect a listing to Szallas. Repeat the setup for each complex you want to connect:

Step by step:

  1. In Szallas, create the relevant room types for each Hotel ID and assign them the relevant rate plans.
  2. Sign in to your Guesty account.
  3. Create a complex listing that corresponds to each Hotel ID you want to connect. Ensure the currency for the listing in Guesty matches the currency on Szallas. 
  4. Create and assign at least one rate plan to each room type in Guesty. Ensure that the rate plans in Guesty match the rate plans on Szallas.


    Only the following rate plan settings can be managed in Guesty and synced to Szallas: 

    • Base price adjustment
    • Listing availability
    • Minimum number of nights

    All other rate plan settings, including cancellation policies, must be managed in Szallas.

  5. In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Growth mode.
  6. Click Distribution.
  7. Click the Szallas thumbnail.
  8. Enter the Szallas login and password provided by your Szallas account manager or support team.
  9. Link each complex in Guesty to its matching Hotel ID in Szallas.
    • Match each room type in Guesty to the corresponding room type in Szallas. You can skip this step and return to it later via the integration page.
    • Map the room types' rate plans in Guesty to their corresponding rate plans in Szallas. You can skip this step and return to it later via the integration page.


      Rate plans make your listing sellable and searchable on Szallas. If you connect a room type but don’t map any associated rate plans, the room type won’t be live on the channel. Rate plans can’t be assigned in bulk and must be added manually for each unit type.

  10. Click Continue to dashboard. Your mapped rate plans will automatically resume being sellable on Szallas.

Learn where to manage your listings, reservations, and guest communication after connecting to Szallas.


Learn more about how to add or change a room type and rate plan.

After connecting, track the status of each listing in the Szallas integration page in Guesty.

In progress - The listing has been linked to the channel, and it is now pending the successful completion of the connection process.

Completed - The listing is connected to the channel, and at least one rate plan has been mapped. The connection is active.

Not started - The channel's listing hasn’t been linked to any listing in Guesty (the listing isn't connected).

In the "Rate plans mapped" column, click the expand icon to view the details of your rate plan mapping and make changes if needed.

Connecting new complexes

You can connect additional Hotel IDs to Guesty at any time. To connect new Hotel IDs, click Connect listings in the top-right corner of your Szallas integration page and follow the instructions in the connection setup.

Disconnecting complexes

To make a listing unsellable on Szallas, disconnect all the listing's rate plans.

There's no option to remove a connection between a Guesty complex and a Szallas Hotel ID. If you need to remove the connection entirely, contact your Szallas account manager and request them to disconnect Guesty/YieldPlanet as a provider from your account on Szallas.


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