Comparing performance against competitors in Guesty PriceOptimizer

Gain a better understanding of your listings' performance in comparison to direct competition with Guesty PriceOptimizer's competitive benchmarking.

Effectively evaluate your performance and make data-driven decisions using:

  • Average pricing and occupancy on a weekly and monthly basis
  • Review scores, including subcategories

You can build your own competition group by adding or updating listings and searching for more information on them. 


Competitor benchmarking is only applicable for active PriceOptimizer listings.

For additional PriceOptimizer customization options, see full details here.

Access PriceOptimizer settings

Follow these steps to access a listing's PriceOptimizer settings. See details in the section below about the different customization options.

Pro users Lite users

Step by step:

  1. Sign in to your Guesty account.
  2. In the top navigation bar, click  and select Guesty add-ons.
  3. Scroll down and click Guesty PriceOptimizer.
  4. Find the listing(s) for which you want to adjust the pricing. You can search for a specific listing by name or nickname or use the filters to find all listings that match your specific criteria.
  5. Select the relevant listing.
  6. In the left-side menu, click Competitor benchmarking.

View default competitor benchmarking data

You can see your listing information compared to the default competitor group that was created and generated by the PriceOptimizer algorithm.

Build new competitor group

  1. At the top right, click the dropdown menu next to "Your listings vs." (The default competitor group is displayed.)
  2. Click Create market group.
  3. Add listings to your new group:
    1. Search for specific listings by Airbnb or Vrbo listing names, listing ID, or URL.
    2. Search by using filters such as average price, property type, review score, and more.
  4. In the map, click on each listing to add to your group.
    1. To remove a listing click x next to the listing name.
  5. At the top right, click Create group
  6. In the pop-up, enter a name then click Create Group.

View and edit your competitor group

  1. At the top right, click the dropdown menu next to "Your listings vs." and select the relevant group.
  2. To edit the listings in the group, click the vertical ellipsisand select Edit market group.
    1. To remove a listing click x next to the listing name.
    2. To search and add more listings, follow the steps above.
  3. At the top right, click Save.
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