If your Guesty Lite account disconnects from Vrbo you will receive an email notification. A disconnected account can occur for several reasons, including a recent password change, additional verification requested by Vrbo, or an expired Guesty Lite trial or subscription.
Before you begin
To identify and resolve the cause of the disconnection:
- Password changes: Check if you’ve recently changed your Vrbo password.
- Verification request: Check if Vrbo has requested additional verification, such as an SMS confirmation.
- Subscription status: Check if your subscription has expired.
Reconnecting after password change or verification request
If you receive a notification that Guesty can’t connect to Vrbo, follow these steps to reconnect:
- Sign in to your Guesty Lite account.
- In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Growth mode.
- Click Distribution, and select Vrbo.
- In the pop-up, enter your Vrbo email and password, followed by the SMS verification code.
Reconnecting after trial or subscription expiration
If your Guesty Lite account becomes inactive due to an expired trial or subscription, the Vrbo integration may disconnect. After reactivating your Guesty account, check your Vrbo mappings:
- If your mappings are still visible, no further action is required.
- If your mappings are missing, restart the Vrbo integration.
Restarting the Vrbo integration
Check your email.
Look for any Vrbo notifications about account disconnection or verification requests. - Sign in to your Guesty Lite account.
Follow any prompts to re-enter your Vrbo credentials. - Reconnecting your account: In the Vrbo section, click Reconnect, enter your Vrbo email and password, and then enter the SMS verification code.
Understanding the integration expiration
Your integration process may expire depending on how long your account remains inactive or frozen:
- 12–15 days of inactivity: Vrbo authorization expires, and Guesty Lite will request you to reauthorize.
- Listings inactive/paused during frozen status: Vrbo integration listings may be suspended.
- 30+ days of inactivity: The integration may fully disconnect.
If the reconnection process fails, contact us for help.