Adding a local event in Guesty PriceOptimizer

With Guesty PriceOptimizer's local events settings, you can better control and tailor your pricing strategy to the needs of your specific local market. Instead of making manual adjustments for premium dates that are not recognized under holiday pricing strategies, create a local event rule that is reflected in your overall pricing strategy data.

For additional PriceOptimizer customization options, see full details here.

Access PriceOptimizer settings

Pro users Lite users

Step by step:

  1. Sign in to your Guesty account.
  2. In the top navigation bar, click  and select Guesty add-ons.
  3. Scroll down and click Guesty PriceOptimizer.
  4. Find the listing(s) for which you want to adjust the pricing. You can search for a specific listing by name or nickname or use the filters to find all listings that match your specific criteria.
  5. Click the relevant listing.
  6. In the left menu, click Local event.
  7. Click Add rule, or click the pencil icon to edit an existing rule.
  8. Enter the criteria for the new rule rule:
    1. Event name
    2. Time period start and end date
    3. Price adjustment by fixed amount, or by percentage
  9. Review the pricing adjustment as displayed in the pricing forecast graph.
  10. Click Add/Update rule.
  11. Click Apply x change(s) in the top-right corner and select Apply again in the confirmation pop-up.


Local event pricing adjustment are displayed in green in the overall Pricing forecast. To view your new rule, click Pricing forecast in the left menu and hover over the new locals event dates. 

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