Accounting by Guesty is a premium feature available to Pro users only. Please contact us to discuss activating it.
After owner statements are set up, we automatically generate them at the beginning of each month to provide a summary of transactions related to an owner for the calendar month before the statement was generated.
Transactions are one of the following:
- An automatic transaction created by the business model that comes from reservations, such as recurring owner charges/expenses.
- A manual transaction created by a person, not the business model, that comes from a one-time owner charge/expense, for example.
- A recorded payout to the owner, which is a disbursement.
If an owner statement was generated but you know the owner had no reservations that month or the statement has no assigned listings on the owner statement page, the previous month should have at least one non-automatic transaction.
To check if there were any manual transactions or disbursements before the generation date of the statement, open the posting journal, filter to the relevant owner, and add the "created by" column:
- Automatic transactions say "Automatic" in the "created by" column - you should not see any of these.
- Manual transactions have the name of the person who completed the transaction in the "created by" column.
- Disbursements are listed as "Payment to owner" in the "transaction type" column.