Open API applications and analytics dashboard

Guesty's Oauth-Applications API allows you and your team to build and connect your own tools on top of Guesty.  You can create a different set of Client ID and Client Secret (Client Credentials) for every service, tool, or system you integrate.  Additionally, our analytics provide real time data on your API usage.


See our API Documentation.

Create Client Credentials

Step by step:

  1. Sign in to your Guesty account.
  2. In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Setup mode.

  3. Click Integrations and select API.

  4. In the left menu, click Applications (this should already be selected by default).
  5. At the top right, click New Application.
  6. Fill in the Application Name and Application Description.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Enter your Guesty password to confirm the action.
  9. Copy the Client ID and Client Secret for future use. Your Client Secret is only visible the first time you access it. After that, Guesty redacts it for your security.

Delete Client Credentials

To delete a Client ID and Client Secret, from the Applications dashboard simply click the trash icon to the right of the relevant application.

API Analytics

Access analytics dashboard

  1. Sign in to your Guesty account.
  2. In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Setup mode.

  3. Click Integrations and select API.

  4. In the left menu, click Analytics to view the following data.

General requests

  • Showing OpenAPI calls from all applications aggregated into a single graph:
    • Success calls
    • Failed calls due to client error
    • Failed calls due to server error

Rate limit

  • Showing each of the following: 
    • Remaining calls per Sec until rate limit
    • Remaining calls per Minute until rate limit
    • Remaining calls per Hour until rate limit

Each graph shows the remaining amount of rate limits, so if it reaches zero rate limits have been hit, indicating that the following requests have been rejected with 429 status code.

URL Template

  • Table showing:
    • URL - the endpoint that was called
    • Number of calls
    • By descending order (num of calls)

Client requests

Each colored line on the graph represents the OpenAPI calls of each application under your account.

Filter analytics data

At the top of the dashboard, click the plus sign to apply the following filters to the entire dashboard:

  • Time frame
  • Response status
  • Response resolution
  • URL family
  • URL template
  • Host
  • Method
  • Client ID
  • Client name
  • Gateway proceed
  • Server type


To filter by endpoint, you can also click on the relevant endpoint in the URL template table.

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