Beta: Bundling and deducting additional fees

How it works

When you create or edit an additional fee, you have the following "Inclusive fee" options:

  • Bundle the fee into accommodation fare for the guest
    • The guest will see only a total accommodation fare that includes the bundled fee amount.
    • When this option is selected, the following settings will be automatically activated:
      • Deduct the fee from accommodation fare and add the fee as a separate line item to the guest folio (for your information, not visible to guest) - turned ON
      • Sync fee to channels - turned ON
  • Deduct the fee from accommodation fare and add the fee as a separate line item
    • This should be used only if the fee is already bundled, for example with a 3rd party pricing tool, and you require these fees to be accurately represented in internal reports, accounting, and owner statements.
    • The fee will be deducted from the accommodation fare and added as a separate line item to the guest folio (for your information, not visible to guest).
    • When this option is selected, the following settings will be automatically activated:
      • Bundle the fee into accommodation fare - turned OFF
      • Sync fee to channels - turned OFF

In both scenarios, the fee will be deducted from the accommodation fare in the guest folio as shown here:

Example for "Bundle the fee"

The listing's accommodation fare is $500.

An additional fee "Housekeeping" is created in Guesty for $100, activated as "bundle the fee".

On booking channels, guests see a $600 accommodation fare, without seeing a housekeeping fee as a separate amount.

In Guesty, we present the bundled fee as a separate entity in the guest folio breakdown - twice:

  • As a separate line item, in a positive amount - like any other additional fee.
  • As a line item under the accommodation fare, in a negative amount - to reflect that the fee is part of the accommodation fare, without increasing it (as shown above).
Example for "Deduct the fee" only

The listing's accommodation fare is $200.

An additional fee "pool facilities" is created in Guesty for $50, activated as "deduct the fee".

On booking channels, guests see a $200 accommodation fare, without seeing a pool facilities fee as a separate amount.

In Guesty, we present the deducted fee as a separate entity in the guest folio breakdown - twice:

  • As a separate line item, in a positive amount - like any other additional fee.
  • As a line item under the accommodation fare, in a negative amount - to reflect that the fee is part of the accommodation fare, without increasing it (as shown above).

Channel limitations


Bundling linen fees is not supported for Airbnb. Anything mapped to the fee type Linens, will not be bundled.

Bundle fee into accommodation fare on account level (Pro only)

Step by step:

  1. Sign in to your Guesty account.
  2. In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Financials mode.
  3. Click Financial settings and select Additional fees.
  4. In the top-right corner, click Edit.
  5. Click Edit on an existing fee, or click Add another fee (you may need to scroll down).
  6. Under "Inclusive fee", switch the Bundle the fee into accommodation fare for the guest toggle on.

When this option is selected, the following settings will be automatically activated:

  • Deduct the fee from accommodation fare and add the fee as a separate line item to the guest folio (for your information, not visible to guest) - turned ON
  • Sync fee to channels - turned ON

Bundle fee into accommodation fare on listing level

Pro users Lite users

Step by step:

  1. Sign in to your Guesty account.
  2. In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Operations mode.
  3. Click Properties.
  4. Click the relevant listing. If the listing is a multi-unit, make these changes by editing the main settings of the multi-unit and each individual sub-unit as well.
  5. In the left-side menu, click Pricing & Policies and select Pricing.
  6. To the right of "Additional fees & charges", click Edit.
  7. Click Edit on an existing fee, or click Add another fee (you may need to scroll down).
  8. Under "Inclusive fee", switch the Bundle the fee into accommodation fare for the guest toggle on.

When this option is selected, the following settings will be automatically activated:

  • Deduct the fee from accommodation fare and add the fee as a separate line item to the guest folio (for your information, not visible to guest) - turned ON
  • Sync fee to channels - turned ON

Deduct fee from accommodation fare only


  • This should be used only if the fee is already bundled, for example with a 3rd party pricing tool.
  • Once activated, this will apply to all reservations received through all channels. You will not have the option to activate only for certain channels.

Pro users Lite users

Step by step:

  1. Sign in to your Guesty account.
  2. In the top navigation bar, click the mode selector and select Operations mode.
  3. Click Properties.
  4. Click the relevant listing. If the listing is a multi-unit, make these changes by editing the main settings of the multi-unit and each individual sub-unit as well.
  5. In the left-side menu, click Pricing & Policies and select Pricing.
  6. To the right of "Additional fees & charges", click Edit.
  7. Click Edit on an existing fee, or click Add another fee (you may need to scroll down).
  8. Under "Inclusive fee", switch the Bundle the fee into accommodation fare for the guest toggle on, then switch off. This will leave only "Deduct the fee" switched on.

When this option is selected, the following settings will be automatically activated:

  • Bundle the fee into accommodation fare - turned OFF
  • Sync fee to channels - turned OFF


Any tax that is applied to the accommodation fare will apply to the deducted fee as well, since it is part of the accommodation fare.

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