Adjusting pricing based on demand with Guesty PriceOptimizer

Guesty PriceOptimizer demand pacing allow you to fully control the impact pricing has based on occupancy relating to the number of days before check-in, giving you the flexibility to adjust nightly rates based on occupancy and lead time. This includes the ability to apply discounted rates if the calendar is low in reservations or increase pricing if demand is high. Demand pacing won't cause your rates to fall below or rise above your minimum and maximum price limits.

For additional PriceOptimizer customization options, see full details here.

Access PriceOptimizer settings

Follow these steps to access a listing's PriceOptimizer settings. See details in the section below about the different customization options.

Pro users Lite users

Step by step:

  1. Sign in to your Guesty account.
  2. In the top navigation bar, click  and select Guesty add-ons.
  3. Scroll down and click Guesty PriceOptimizer.
  4. Find the listing(s) for which you want to adjust the pricing. You can search for a specific listing by name or nickname or use the filters to find all listings that match your specific criteria.
  5. Select the relevant listing.
  6. In the left-side menu, click Demand pacing.
  7. After making any changes, click Apply x change(s) in the top-right corner and select Apply again in the confirmation pop-up.

Pricing forecast

In the pricing forecast, view your actual pricing, market pricing, and original pricing (before rules are applied) in an easy-to-read graph.

Customize your demand pacing

The impact will be derived as follows: % of (base price + other dynamic factors) = Demand pacing impact.

Select Automatic pricing impact to use the recommended pricing from PriceOptimizer's algorithm. Keep the recommended pricing or take a more conservative approach (20% lower) or a more aggressive approach (20% higher). 

Select Manual pricing impact to fully control how to impact pricing with demand rules based on occupancy and the number of days before check-in.

Let's look at the following example strategy. Demand pacing allow you to set 15-day parameters for "days before check-in" in which to apply rules. When inputting figures into the relevant fields, please note that positive numbers increase pricing, while negative numbers discount pricing. 

Below we see the first timeline parameter is 0 to 15 days before check-in. When the occupancy is equal to or less than 20% from 0 to 15 days before check-in, we are giving a 15% discount on pricing by inputting "-15%" in the relevant field. Alternatively, in the 16 to 30 days before check-in parameter, we are giving a 10% discount by inputting "-10%" in the relevant field. 

When the occupancy is equal to or less than 60%, we are raising the pricing by 5% from 0 to 15 days before check-in and raising the price by 10% from 16 to 30 days before check-in.


Whenever a change is made, make sure to click Apply x change(s) in the top right corner of your screen and select Apply again in the confirmation pop-up. Your changes will not be saved if you navigate away from the page without clicking Apply.

Add day range columns in 15-day increments based on your needs by clicking + Add day range column in the upper right-hand corner. To add additional occupancy rows, click + Add occupancy row at the bottom of the current rows.

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