Sweeply is a housekeeping and task management tool for hospitality. It’s very user-friendly.

Copy the Guesty API key

Step by step:

  1. Sign in to your Guesty account.
  2. In the top navigation bar, click .
  3. From the dropdown, select Guesty Marketplace.
  4. Search for "Sweeply", then click Connect.
  5. At the top right click Connect.
  6. In the pop-up, copy the Integration API.
  7. Click OK.

Connect Sweeply with Guesty

Step by step:

  1. Navigate to the    

  2. Click on: "Start using Sweeply"

  3. During the sign-up process:

    • Enter your account details and verify the account.

    • Enter the Guesty Integration API copied before, then click confirm.

    • Wait until the importing of listings and reservations is finalized.

  4. Complete your Sweeply setup.


To learn more about Sweeply, sign up for a demo. If you have any questions, reach out to Sweeply Support email:  support@getsweeply.com 

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