If you’re unable to add an owner’s email address, and received an "email address already in use" error message while creating or editing an Owner Profile, it may be because the owner is already registered in the Guesty system.
This can happen due to a few different reasons, including:
- The owner was a past client and used to have an Owner Profile with the same email address—meaning the profile was deleted.
- The owner is also a client of a different Guesty user, and has an Owner Profile with the same email address.
To resolve this issue:
Add +1 before the @ symbol in the owner's email address.
For example: john.smith+1@guesty.com
The extension to the email address can be any combination of numerical and alphabetical characters (+123abc, +abc123, +1, +2, +3, +4, +5, etc.).
We suggest starting with +1, then continuing to +2, and so on.