If you are having issues with using the Guesty Mobile application, we recommend the following troubleshooting steps to isolate the issue:
Uninstall and reinstall the Guesty Mobile application from your phone, as this will ensure that you are using the latest version of the app and that most cached files are deleted.
Try restarting your mobile device to clear all the applications' contents from the RAM.
When possible, use the Guesty mobile app on a different device to confirm if the behavior can be replicated.
If you've tried the above and the issue persists, please contact us with the following details.
Name or email address of the affected user(s):
Device make and model: (Example: Samsung Galaxy S10)
Operating system and specific version: (Example: Android 7.1.2)
Guesty Mobile App version: (Found under Homepage tab > Tap the profile icon at the top-left corner > Languages)
Specific conversations, reservations, listings, or tasks where the issue occurs: (if the issue does not occur on all content of the account)
Use these tools to identify the relevant information.
- Device type
- Operating system
- Screenshot and/or video conveying the issue