
RezRecover helps you recapture lost direct booking revenue. It captures from your Guesty website the information of target visitors who have started and abandoned the booking process or target visitors who haven’t yet started the booking process, and can trigger recovery campaigns (via SMS, email or web) to these visitors to recover the reservation.

Follow the steps below to integrate RezRecover with Guesty. Don't have a RezRecover account? Sign up here.

Step by step:

  1. Sign in to your RezRecover account and retrieve your unique CartStack tracking code.

  2. In the Guesty top navigation bar, click the mode select and select Growth mode.
  3. Click Distribution.
  4. Click the Guesty Wenbsites thumbnail.
  5. Paste the tracking code provided by RezRecover. See details with screenshots here.

  6. In RezRecover, access the admin panel to add confirmation/thank you page URL.

  7. Ask the RezRecover team to review integration.

  8. Once they do, emails will start sending.

For more information, contact RezRecover support at

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